Prayer Requests for January to March 2020

Naleng Real Using Laptop


  • We will be hosting four EEC leadership classes in 2020.
  • Please pray that God will guide us and bless us.
  • Pastors and Supervisors Dinner Fellowship on the 3rd of February that the Lord give us a good time to meet with, share, pray and enjoy a time of dinner fellowship together as our newly accepted students begin their Master of Arts in Leadership Program with East Asia School of Theology Extension Centre in Cambodia.
  • EEC class will be in conducted in March 16-21. We need God’s strength, wisdom and knowledge to bless our class and lecturers as well.

Mission Trip

Church Planting in Takeo province. ​
  • We plan to teach our house church members — adults and teenagers – with lessons that lead them to receive baptism.  Please pray that people will respond to the message.
  • We will be praying this whole year of 2020 that the house church in Takeo will be prospered and well trained.
  • January to June 2020 we will train church members to receive salvation and from June to December will be leading our church members to be the disciples of Jesus with 12 lessons. We plan to train our new leader so that he can carry God’s ministry after we finish our work at this church.

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